Department of The National Museum of Uzice in Nova Varos
The department was opened in 2012 as a department of the National Museum of Užice and has great cultural and educational importance for the for the region of Nova Varos and Stari Vlah in General.
It is situated in the building of Turkish kaimakam, which until today has dominated the town and stood as an outstanding example of fusion of the traditional islamic architecture and Europian academic palaver. The institutions of the Turkish administration were located in this building.
Exhibited museum objects, documents, maps and photos of monuments (Roman, those from the Middle ages, Serbian, later Turkish) show that these regions have rich historical and cultural past.
Museum material covers the period from the Neolitic to the end of the twentieth century. Exhibited objects originate from archeological sites in the region of Stari Vlah. Some of them were given by donors as presents, while others were borrowed from other museum collections.
This region is known for prehistoric sites, cultural-historical monuments from the Middle ages, artefacts from the Turkish reign period, monuments and written sources from the period of rebellions and liberation wars of the nineteenth and twentieth century. Among valuable exhibits it should mention the seal of prince Stojimir from the nineteenth century, the sabre of prince Mihailo Raskovic from the fifteenth century, pistols that Karadjordje gave Timotije Borisavljevic as a gift. Valuable part of the exhibition consists of exhibits from all regions of medieval Serbian country Old Raska.
Permanent museum exhibition „Nova Varos region throughout history“ gives evidence about the spirit and beauty of the town, development of trade, economy, education, culture, importance of Raskovic princes, as well as the life and work of duke Petar Bojovic to whom is dedicated a particular part of the exhibition named „Memorial room to duke Petar Bojovic and Nova Varos region in Great war“.