
Archeology Department
Since its foundation, archeology department of the National Museum of Uzice deals with excavation and protection of archeological sites on the territory of eight municipalities of Zlatibor District.
During the survey carried until now, it has been found and recorded about one thousand archeological sites and a great number of separate finds belonging to the eras of prehistory, the ancient period and the Middle ages.
Rich subject collections are formed as a result of archeological excavation:
• The Collection of Prehistory
• The Collection of the Ancient Period
• The Collection of the Middle Ages
• Numismatic collection till XV century
• Epigraphic monuments
Documentation Department
NMU Documentation Department started its operation in 1990-ies. During this period and little after, NMU started digitization of the existing documents and its involvement in the MISS system (the Museum Information System of Serbia).
Ethnographic department
With formation of the National Museum in 1963, with the Museum of the uprising 1941 and the Regional Museum in its structure, the Ethnographic department of the Regional museum was established, which continued doing field survey and collecting ethnographic material of Titovo Uzice region.
The Ethnographic collection was formed from objects collected in field survey and research, followed by gifts, purchases and unexpected finds. The objects come mostly from the nineteenth and early twentieth century. The entire ethnographic material is classified in thematic sections that make up the collections, in which there are smaller subject collections:
• National Clothes
• Home Textile
• Wool Processing Equipment
• Music Instruments
• Pipes and Smoking Accessories
• Furniture, Pottery
• Crafts
• Jewellery
History Department
History Department of the National Museum Uzice is the firstly-established department, which, owing to its years of research in the field and work in professional and scientific institutions, museums and archives throughout the former Yugoslavia, acquired valuable museum material covering the period from the late 18th century to the 21st century. The material is classified in several collections and funds:
• The Collection of Three-dimensional Objects
• The Collection of Photographs From The Nineteenth Century To 1945.
• The Collection of Contemporary History
• The Numismatic Collection For The Period From The Fifteenth To The Twentieth Century
• The Collection of Archive Materials
• The Memoirs Fund 1941-1945.
• The Collection of Firearms and Cold Arms and Military Equipment
Conservation and Restoration Department
Initially, the conservation and restoration activity was done through NMU preparation and conservation workshop, with the involvement of specialized workshops of other institutions, During the mid-1990ies, with the accession of new experts, conservation activities were spread and organized in three workshops, including:
• Workshops for metal, archaeological wood, bone, glass and stone
• Workshops for ceramics, textiles and leather
• Workshops for icon painting and easel painting
Besides working on the protection of the museum objects, NMU conservation workshops provided the services to other cultural institutions, Serbian Orthodox church and individuals.
The Department for preventive protection and preservation of monuments within the territorial jurisdiction of The National Museum of Uzice
Since it was founded the Memorial complex on Kadinjaca, besides the scientific-research work, collecting, protection and presentation of movable cultural heritage and publishing has had the task to record, register, protect for prevention and preserve the monuments on the territory of Titovo Uzice municipality. In that way The Department for preventive protection and preservation of monuments was formed. In the 20th century, during the nineties It enlarged its territorial jurisdiction and formed the card file of monuments and other memorial landmarks. In collaboration with the authorised institutions for protection of cultural monuments from Belgrade and Kraljevo, this department carried out a lot of projects, of which the most important is the reconstruction of church-log in Sevojno.
History of Art Department
Upon establishing of the History of Art Department, Art Collection was formed, and the systematic study and publication of the objects that belong to it began and which most testify about the cultural history of Uzice through centuries.
The Art Collection is classified in:
• The Collection of Fine Art and Applied Art
• The Collection of Church Art
• Sculpture Collection
Experts take care of the Department and the Legacy of a painter Mihailo Milovanovic, which was opened in 2003 in the National Museum Uzice.
Pedagogic Service
Cultural, educational and informative marketing activity occupies a prominent place in the overall activities of the National Museum Uzice. It is done through the permanent exhibitions, thematic exhibitions, organized lectures in museum rooms and outside, by showing films in the museum and the memorial complex Kadinjaca, through mass media presentations through promotions and other content, intending to introduce the public to the past and cultural heritage of the Uzice region.
These activities include collaboration with schools, army, associations, socio-political and economic organizations through various forms of activities, in order to bring closer cultural values to the widest number of people possible.
The Professional Museum Library
This is a specialized library within the NMU institution, which has about 12,000 books and titles in the specifid museum’s field. In addition to books, periodicals, journals and press, the library has a substantial collection of early Serbian manuscripts and printed books as well as a collection of Turkish manuscripts.
The Library Fund has been enriched through purchase, exchange, repurchase and gifts, as well as through selling of its own publications.
In addition to museum professionals and staff, the library fund is used by a large number of students, cultural and scientific workers, journalists and others.
Photo Laboratory
Filming and documentary activity activity, in addition to recording material for the museum collections and funds, includes the monitoring of museum activities and projects realization, as well as recording the major events from the town of Uzice and Zlatibor region for the department of contemporary history.
Besides numerous films, negatives and slides which were used to make thousands of photographs, the museum has a large number of videos.